What does the environment teach us?

What does the environment teach us?

There is a very deep connection between nature and man. The two complement each other. For humans, the earth in the courtyard of their home, the sky their roof, the sun-moon-stars their lamps, the sea-river water pots, and the trees are the means of food. Not only this, but there is also no better guru than nature for man. To date, everything that man has achieved has been done by learning from nature.
Nature has taught many scientists including Newton many lessons including gravity, whereas poets have written poems more than one by staying in the nature of nature. Similarly, the common man understood all the qualities of nature and made positive changes in his life.
Actually, nature teaches us many important lessons. As autumn does not mean the end of the tree. The person who embraced this lesson in his life is never afraid of failure. After such a failure, such individuals move once again for their success without getting distracted. They keep doing this until they get success. Similarly, trees laden with fruits, leaning downwards, teach us to be humble and modest despite achieving success and fame or prospering. According to the novelist Premchand, idealism in literature has an equal place with nature in life. Most importantly, nature all has its own importance. A small worm is also useful for nature, while in the Matsya Puran a tree is described as having a hundred sons. Therefore we have an eternal tradition of worshiping trees. It has been said in the Puranas that a man who plants new trees flourishes in heaven for many years in the same year, the year in which his trees grow.
The greatest feature of nature is that it does not consume its things. As the river does not drink its own water, trees do not eat its fruits, flowers spread their fragrance throughout the environment. This means that nature does not discriminate or discriminate with anyone, but when a man does unnecessary play with nature, he gets angry. Which periodically expresses itself to alert humans in the form of droughts, floods, storms, and epidemics.
Nature has given us so much that we cannot even think. Life on earth is possible only due to nature. Thus nature is the basis of our life. Nature is our best friend, we get to see different beauty at different places on earth.
Spread awareness about the conservation of nature. When more and more people understand its importance then they will try to save it. To maintain the purity of the environment, we should plant more and more trees. Do not cut green trees, take special care of cleanliness.

                                    Make everyone aware
                         We have to save the environment.    


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